Plant Medicine Retreats

San Pedro and Ayahuasca Retreats in Peru, Sacred Valley

Our intent in our San Pedro (Huachuma) and Ayahuasca retreats are to take you on a journey of self discovery and spiritual expansion in the Andes mountains in Sacred Valley, Peru with the help of sacred plant medicine and integration sessions led by Integration professionals, Elena Dabul, Angi Gyongyver and Jim Ducker.

The Individually tailored integration roadmaps, group shares and discussions, emotional guidance and emotional release with your integration coaches will enhance your experience that will lead to deeper insights as well as rewiring of patterns and behaviours. You may end up with an increased capacity to listen to your inner essence.

ayahuasca ceremony
sound bath ayahuasca retreats

What does our healing retreat look like?

On ceremony days we wake up early, meet the shaman who guides us on the medicine journey with his assistants, and we completely surrender to the magic of plant medicine. Let yourself be guided, you are in good hands with Nacho, our Ayahuasca shaman and Miguel, our San Pedro (Huachuma) shaman. Group integration circles will always follow a ceremony.

On integration days we have integration pod (small circles) meetings in the mornings where you will be sharing your experience with your group. Your pod leader and podmates will be the same people throughout the trip. Changing pods is an option. The group process helps integrate the experience deeper and provide you with solid support. There will also be one-on-one integration sessions with your pod leader, who will help you create a roadmap for integration tailored specifically to your needs. The pod leaders will be Elena, Angi and Jim.

These are the days when you can relax, journal, join yoga, breathwork, emotional release sessions, ecstatic dance, kirtan with cacao ceremonies, wander around in Pisac, go shopping, have a delicious meal in town, make friends with other like-minded people and many other things. Everyone you meet is on the same journey as you are. There will be amazing bonding experiences with your podmates, groupmates, facilitators, locals and expats.

What makes us unique?

  • The safe container the 3 of us integration specialists provide before and after each plant medicine ceremony. We meet you where you are, listen and take action supporting you in your integration process.
  • Our 24-hour availability made possible by living in the same retreat centre.
  • Regular energy healings, emotional release sessions, immediate counselling offered by Elena, Angi and Jim.
  • Ongoing support regarding setting intent, and keeping you on track in your ceremonial process.
  • Group integration pods with same podleader and podmates throughout for deeper trust,
  • Ongoing individual support on integration days with one of your pod leaders.
  • The ceremony doesn’t end with the medicine session, it is processed and integrated by our carefully planned integration process.

We, integration specialists are here to co-create the best experience you can have.

group integration circle
san pedro retreat
sweatlodge peru

The Process

Once you contact us, we will conduct an introductory call to answer all your questions about our San Pedro and Ayahuasca retreats, and see if there is a fit. This is followed by an extensive intake call. The 2-hour intake call entails an in-depth psychological, mental and emotional screening to finalize suitability and help us determine the right dosage of medicine. This is the space where we help you set intentions based on the intake findings.

We will make arrangements for you to get from Cusco airport to our retreat centre in Pisac, Sacred Valley.

Once in the retreat centre, you will have regular meetings with your facilitators and other group members, and you will be able to get answers to your questions and doubts. The group process is very healing, as you feel supported not only by the facilitators, but also by the other participants. The one-on-one meetings are specifically tailored to your needs for added safety. Your facilitators designed this plant medicine retreat in such a way, that everyone will have a chance to get to know themselves better by finding and processing growthful experiences. As we always say, the more effort you put into the ceremonial process, including preparation and integration, the more you get out of it. According to our experience, your ceremony starts before the actual ceremony with the shaman, so start listening.

Group meals and group activities have a very bonding effect on everyone. Shopping in the small colourful stores, or walking to the local market for breakfast juices or smoothies, wandering aimlessly and ending up in a café for a delicacy, or singing with others open-heartedly in Kirtan sipping cacao are unforgettable snippets of your life down there.

We can’t wait to show it to you!

The plant medicine

Ayahuasca is a hallucinogen found in the bark of the tree collected from the jungle. It helps you get to know yourself better by showing you certain patterns in your life and connect your past experiences to behaviours. The awareness you gain from listening and paying attention to the messages it sends you will help you make serious changes in your life for the better.

Our Ayahuasca shaman, Nacho has a Shipibo lineage. He was brought up with the medicine, and connects to it on a very deep level. He is able to listen to the medicine messages and bring them back to the group participating.

Our Ayahuasca ceremonies will be in the evenings.  We gather in the maloca (gathering area), where the shaman will put their prayers in the space, then we all drink medicine, and start our journeys in the group. The shaman and his helpers will walk around offering support at all times during the ceremony. We will spend the night together, and then go home to a delicious breakfast.

San Pedro (Huachuma) is the medicine of the Andes, the mountains of Peru. It is a drink made from the cactus called Huachuma. The preparation of the Huachuma medicine takes hours to make.

Our San Pedro guide is Miguel, who listens to and follows the dance of the medicine in each participant. He feels your energy, and knows when to step back, and when to take action during ceremony.

San Pedro ceremonies are during the day.

ayahuasca preparation
san pedro cactus huachuma
Embark on a journey of profound transformation...

Chrysalis Retreats

ayahuasca retreats peru sacred valley
Come, experience the plant medicines of Peru in a safe and sacred container in Pisac, the Sacred valley. Offering San Pedro & Ayahuasca Retreats.

Chrysalis Retreats  2024. All Rights Reserved.